We’re all screwed, so let’s go kayaking.

Reducing our personal and community CO2 footprint will be the biggest challenge for mankind in the coming years. According to a landmark intergovernmental UN panel we have 12 years left to avoid a complete breakdown in the Earth’s climate system.

The message is clear:

Drive less. Fly less. Consume less. Plant more trees.

So, before we burn, starve to death, die of thirst, become victims of the first climate war, let’s go CO2 free and go kayaking. We’re taking this message to the Outer Hebrides (pronounced as) off the coast of Scotland this summer.


Unfortunately we are not too exemplary with our own CO2 emissions by getting there. I’m flying to Glasgow releasing 0,28 metric tons of CO2, roughly 1/3 of an elephant.  Norbi and Gabor are just as awful as I am. Together they’re releasing 0,60 tons by driving across Europe with 4 kayaks on the roof. (Check the personal carbon footprint of your summer trip.)


This is how to turn your car into a court jester hat.

Beni, aka _Fatal Error_  gets the Model Climate Fighter Of The Week award by taking a train from Zurich to Glasgow. Although reports of his personal methane emissions have been more than alarming.

Going carbon neutral is like a diet. It starts on Monday.



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